Regional Conference
5/23/24, 9:00 PM
54th Farwest Regional Conference - May 2024
The 54th Farwest Regional Conference of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated, was held in Honolulu, Hawaii, May 23rd to May 26th. With the theme "Embracing the Aloha Spirit," the conference was a vibrant gathering of Sorors dedicated to sisterhood, service, and empowerment.
International President Soror Elsie Cooke-Holmes delivered a stirring keynote address titled "Forward with Fortitude: Stand on Business," highlighting the importance of unity and collective action within the organization. Attendees were inspired by her call to engage in social action initiatives and collaborate on impactful programs such as the Shirley Chisholm Congressional Gold Medal Act.
Throughout the conference, there was a strong emphasis on organizational integrity and respect. Sorors were reminded of the importance of upholding the values of sisterhood and mutual respect, both within the organization and in interactions with the broader community.
With a total of 33 members of Seattle Alumnae Chapter who attended in-person and virtually, SAC members brought back a renewed sense of purpose and commitment to ensure the programs and initiatives of the Grand Chapter are implemented in the communities we serve.
We would also like to recognize our very own SAC First Vice President Soror Kimberly Warren-Green, who was honored by the Farwest Region as the Immediate Past Member of the Regional Nominating Committee. Her dedication and leadership continue to be a source of pride and inspiration for our chapter.